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Ultra•Form Therapeutic Mattresses are effective in the prevention and treatment of Stage 1 and 2 decubitus ulcers. With three distinct designs, the features and pricing meet the needs of all healthcare providers.
The Ultra•Form Elite model has five anatomically engineered support zones on the surface. Manufactured with the highest density IST foam core, it is proven to eliminate pressure, shearing forces, heat and moisture build-up. The foot zone features Ultra Plush SoftCel foam with unmatched plush/soft deep cushioning support and protection for the life of the product.
The Ultra•Form Select model also has five anatomically engineered support zones to respond to body contours, movement and weight shifts. Each zone utilizes the IST cell technology and are specific in size, shape and depth. Each cell interacts/moves with the body at every point of contact. Our unique Zone 5 foot section has hundreds of small cells that form a soft 6.25” deep cushion to protect the lower legs, ankles and sensitive heels.
The Ultra•Form Pre-Vent model has three distinct therapeutic supports zones for skin protection, support and comfort. Air channels surround each of the 450 individual cells to eliminate shearing forces.
BENEFITS• High Density Foam Core Responds to Body Movement and Weight Shifts |
FEATURES• Assorted Sizes Available |